create (OTF Keyword)
Creates an ObjGen object from within a code template file and adds it to the current project.
%create object-name as object-type using template-filename%
Use the create statement to create any valid ObjGen object type and add it to the current project.
(object-name) Specifies the name of the object to create. object-name can be the name of a defined template variable, see the example for more details.
(object-type) Specifies the type of the object to create. ObjGen object types that can be created are as follows APPLICATION, WINDOW, MODULE, CLASS and FORM.
(template-filename) Specifies the code template file that will be loaded along with the new object.
%rem Create a splash screen window in the project%
%define splashScreen as APPLICATION.GetWindowNamePrefix + "Splash"%
%create splashScreen as WINDOW using mySplashScreen.otf%